The show is done now,we still have to do a presentation.
How do I feel about this project?
Actually I felt good, I enjoyed working with my team mates, of course there will be ups and downs, and a little arguments about clashing ideas, but we worked out quite okay as a team. I was excited when the project launched, but then half way through the Easter break stuck in the middle, kinda lose the motivation of continuing the project, but our group still keep up anyways.
What is my project talking about?
We are mainly focusing on light pollution. We tried using recycle paper to make those paper houses to bring out the message about saving the lights by using the power of design. The future lies in our hands, we can change the world at once but we could try changing one at a time about how people see with our designs.
What have I learn from this project?
I have learned to work well in groups and get along with my team mates, I have been more sociable and I get to see all kinds of design from other classmates, learning about their thoughts of Future canvas, I find it really interesting .
How would I do differently if I had a chance to put the show together and working with the same team mates?
I would definitely speak out and not be afraid to go against each other's ideas, I realised since we are working as a team, we should at least listen to what each other wants to do and what each other wants to be part of it and how. I personally wants to do something with Books, I read Georgie's blog, she mentioned about putting old books together to make something out of it, if I had that chance I will definitely go for my idea.
Does your work reflect on your understanding of Illustration practice?
To be honest I don't quite get what this question mean but I think I do start to see "Illustration" differently after starting this project. Illustration can be fun and playful, and in the process of doing it I must also learn to have fun and open up myself to more people, seeing all types of illustration designs , and most importantly to know what I want myself to do in future.
So, what is your future canvas ?
I had a dream of wanting to be a manga artist since I know how to draw. I will do what ever it takes to make that happen. I see my future self as a successful manga artist. Imagining I will be in a magazine introducing my artworks to the whole world.
Dream big , haha !
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Exhibition starts now !
The day has finally came, Year 2 Illustration show starts now :D
Well done everyone ! We pull it off kinda good this time :) Hopefully next year show we'll get much more experience on working more corporative with the whole class to make things easier for everyone.
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
Set-up Time!
So the day is finally here ! Its time to set up the show !
Thanks to Georgie who painted the plinths a day earlier, making our job easier . Everyone is helping to set up the show, Kim joined our group now, its quite a last minute, but she really does helped as much as she could and being part of all the activities we are doing for the pass few weeks.
Thanks to Georgie who painted the plinths a day earlier, making our job easier . Everyone is helping to set up the show, Kim joined our group now, its quite a last minute, but she really does helped as much as she could and being part of all the activities we are doing for the pass few weeks.
Alex, Emma and Bethan helped to hold the woods together so that Georgie can nail them down.
At the main time, Bethan and I painted the wall with the white paint Emma bought to cover up some stains on the wall from the previous exhibition.
Kim arrived afterwards because she went to town to get some materials for us to set up.
In the main time, Bethan and I went to the fabrication studio to drill a hole and to cut out a space on the top part of the plinths so that we could attached the computer to the plinths without worrying it will fall , and the space/hole is for us being able to reach the knots to screw the computer onto the plinths.
Once the first plinth is done, Emma , Kim and Alex helped to cover up some hammer stains on the plinths with the white plaint.
After everything is into place, we started to decorate our booth, Georgie and Alex went to the Epi Center to borrow one of the computers while Kim and Emma start sticking paper houses to the wall.
When they came back, we all helped to cut out paper Ivy leafs , make some LEDs and put them into the little paper houses. Alex and Kim helped a lot with the decoration, Bethan went to look for some materials from the fabrication studio , lending some equipments to hang the black fabric , I where as went to see James and Chris from the Fabrication Tech centre to enquire about the auto switch book I'm making. I manage to get it done and it came out just the way I want it to be.
The lights are turned off when the book is close and it will be switch on when the book is open.
After a two day set up (Tuesday and Wednesday morning) Our booth is finally finished.
After that Georgie, Emma, Alex and I went to Asda to get some refreshments such as wines and crisps to put in the gallery for visitors to come look at our artwork. We got help from everyone from the other group as well with cleaning up and putting stuffs away, moving heavy things, it went well :)
Sunday, 4 May 2014
Space hunting
We went up to the gallery space to look for a spot for our project to display, Bethan suggested to use a black fabric to cover up our cornered space because we are dealing with lights , and by then the exhibition will be in a bright place so it might not work so well in the gallery. But Emma keeps going against it, we all agreed to use the black fabric because the gallery is indeed very bright. So we went up for a location scout.

This is where the window shines in and it will make the gallery very bright. Everyone is trying to get a space to work things out.
After that, I drew a diagram of the gallery and posted in the Illustration group to ask if who is taking which so that we don't clash.
Most of the people responded and quickly picked their space. This method is very much helpful to all of us.

We were actually seeing this hall way spot because it's easier for us to hang the black fabric.
After that, I drew a diagram of the gallery and posted in the Illustration group to ask if who is taking which so that we don't clash.
Most of the people responded and quickly picked their space. This method is very much helpful to all of us.
Photoshooting in Ashton Court + Time laps
We went to Ashton court , into the forest to do a photoshoot timescape for our exhibition. This time Liam (Emma's boyfriend) came along because we are all not very good with cameras, so we asked for his help. We first went over to Georgie's place to gather and then take all the stuffs we need, before we go to the woods, Me, Georgie and Bethan went to B&Qs to get some woods to make out plinths for the exhibition show, we aren't able to lend some plinths from Uni because of some rat infection in the fabrication studio.

Of course we also had fun moving around places to places just to get our project done, thanks to Georgie and Bethan who has a car with them, so it makes us much more easier to travel up and down to carry all the stuffs :)
Once we settled the plinths, we gather up and went to Ashton Court together around 6pm, while there is still some day light in the forest.
We brought some snacks and food just incase we got hungry, because we are going to do a photoshoot timescape /time lap, so we have to stay in the forest until the sky is dark just to capture a good shoot for our project.
Everyone else helped setting up, first we look for a suitable location to do the photoshoot, once everyone agreed we started to put everything in place, putting the paper houses and LEDs together.
Bethan's digging a hole to make her little glow-in-the-dark pond.
And of course Georgie and Liam are taking some of the behind-the-scene photos.

Bethan's glow-in-the-dark-pond
Photo credits to Liam and Georgie, and some are from my phone.
The next day Emma posted a link on facebook of the time laps video edited by Liam.
Surprise !
The next day Emma posted a link on facebook of the time laps video edited by Liam.
Surprise !
Named Woodland time laps.
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