First stop, I have an animation animatic pitch presentation to show the tutor in the morning same time as the pitch presentation happening in the year two studio for the pro practice group project. Arril and Steven mentioned that an animatic is what are we suppose to be doing for our animation, a simple animatic with attached sample sounds, doesnt matter if its bad, they just wants to see a sample of how our story would be like.
I felt nervous, looking at people's film will give you pressure, kinda, because they are all so good, and I realized most of them doing under camera/ stop-motion and hand drawn animation.
My rough animatic:
Second stop, after the presentation of animation, I rush to the 2nd year illus studio for the next presentation, not really presentation, just a progress update/tutorial to Alex about our pro practice project and telling him our idea.
We feel tense at first, nervous, and hoping that he would like our idea. And.....
He likes it ! and even gave us some more ideas and spread our imagination more/onto the next level, he encourages us to think big, doesnt matter if its going to /not going to happen, as long as you dare to think only you dare to do ! kinda true .
I did some sketches and posted something to do with shadow :

And this awesome paper book sculpture:
Georgina shared her blog and posted:

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